★ 73 design

☆ episode 73's alter design ego. this blog will be full of my own personal design insights, pet-peeves, ideas, discoverings, accomplishments and rants. if this kind of thing isn't up your alley, please follow all exit signs and have a nice day.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

film fest

I'm designing posters for a guerilla film festival at my college. In fact, it will be the first ever such event on this campus. What it is, in case you don't know, is a festival of films that are all made in like a week or a weekend's time. Most of the films will be around 5 minutes. As an added piece to the fun puzzle, each team is given an "inspiration packet" which will contain lines, props, characters, etc., that must be used in the film. I am actually planning to participate in the festival with a team comprised of some good friends of mine who, like me, have taken Intro to Video and really loved it. But, along with the excited anticipation of this upcoming event, I get the privelage of designing the posters that will go up all over campus and foretell of its blessed arrival. The person in charge wants the posters to look like some old school, European postcards so that they will have that sort of soft, painterly look to them. She also was wanting them to look like an example she gave me (as seen here). She wanted there to be two people on the beach with a projector in between them that was projecting a movie onto a screen which they would be watching. Seems simple, but getting a bunch of photos together and Photoshopping them into the scene AND applying a bunch of filters to make the whole thing look painted could take quite a bit of time, energy, planning and creativity. I'm not saying I can't do it, I'm just saying that it's been over a month since she asked me to do the posters and they still aren't done. Patience is a virtue, but being on time is professional.


At 2:13 PM, January 03, 2006, Blogger Adam Farnsworth said...

Are you using that poster for inspiration or have you decided to help my team by giving out incorrect info? :-)


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