★ 73 design

☆ episode 73's alter design ego. this blog will be full of my own personal design insights, pet-peeves, ideas, discoverings, accomplishments and rants. if this kind of thing isn't up your alley, please follow all exit signs and have a nice day.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

slightly copied…

I needed to create a postcard mailer for our senior portfolio presentation that will be happening at the end of this quarter. Everyone in our portfolio class was required to design a postcard and then we'd show them all, vote on one, and that's the one that would go out to all the people of the world (so to speak). It was really late and I didn't want to stay up all night coming up with a concept and designing it and tweaking it and fixing it until it looked perfect, so I went to my local source of inspiration, Communication Arts, and began thumbing through until I found something I liked. Then I flattered it with the most outright imitation. Now I feel guilty. Like I don't want to put it in my portfolio, guilty. I don't want people to know I did it, guilty. I'm afraid the original designer will find it, hunt me down, and sue me, guilty. Oh well. Life goes on…right? Right?


At 8:05 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Adam Farnsworth said...

Well, I like it. And, I don't think it was inappropriate. Rock your postcard man!


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